Connections. Fertility. Into the dark.

Collage art: Madeleine Michal

On the longest darkest day of the year we are reminded how deep darkness can reach. 

The night is endless, velvety, pitch black 

It penetrates. 

Infuses with matter. 

Whips out a weighted blanket all the way to the absolute edge

And calls in fertile ground….

for the next season to come.

So as the darkness reaches its peak in tonights solstice, or during any of our personal or collective solstice times - Agree to stumble around in it. Stumble in the darkness while also agreeing to not ignore the glimmers of light. That full moon, she is still shining bright. 

Yes, Its actually possible, even when we are tricked to think it’s absolutely not because

Just as nature

We are beings of cyclical patterns. We require a multitude of gray tones that if skipped over, will never fully be able to relish in the lushness of light. 

On this solstice night, may we allow the fertility that is born through the darkness around and within 

An invitation for tonight:

Call in your relations. Place stones in a circle representing each. Place yourself, water, in a bowl within. Pour and ask - where am I, now, and where will I allow myself to be. 

Create a new pattern. 

Shift the stones. 

Let the water spill…she will rejoin her path, she knows her way.

Remember to peak out from under your metaphorical, or very real, weighted blanket. This solstice is also about relationships and connections. So who’s under there with you, who’s voice do you hear calling you out from under? And who’s keeping you conveniently tucked away down there while they frolic around in the rising light? 

Remember - as you look around, look back within. What are these connections serving within me - what part of me is nourished - what’s the balance of dark and light. 

What do I see out there, that is actually deeply rooted within. 

Much love ❤️,

Madeleine Michal

Michal Rebibo