Madeleine Michal
Madeleine Michal
Somatic healing & embodied expression


Madeleine Michal has been accompanying people through depth processes for the past 22 years. She is a practitioner of the heart, committed to her own ever evolving deep inner work, and being in service to the collective & mother earth through sacred activism.

Her journey began with the sensation of the presence of eros and its weaving with spirit at a young age. She explored expressing this deeply rooted sense through visual arts and psychotherapy studies, landing mainly in transpersonal and eco psychology. As she journeyed deeper through forms of meditation - meant to tame the mind, sensuality & somatics - reaching into the body, she found an alchemy of body, mind, energy, earth, that lives within and without. It is the powerful essence of creation - one of cyclical patterns that allows coexistence - it does not, tame, suppress, or accelerate.

Madeleine Michal reaches in with you, finding attunement in our body’s voice and vibration, through layers hidden behind cultural shame, fear, trauma, and grief. Clearing a resting space at the core of our inherent creative power - inviting in pleasure - making way for a remembrance of the divine that resides in our body (Read more: my journey of learning & belonging).

She is passionate about reintegrating and honoring death and dying into our human experience by consenting to grief just as we consent to love. This became a louder calling as she felt solace placing her hands and body on mother earth’s skin and in her waters, mirroring transcendence of bodies and earth as sacred vessels; Inviting the wisdom of our natural world in through the roots of ritual and rites of passage.


More on Madeleine Michal’s experience, education, trainings - click below:


Header portrait: Katie DelaVaughn.

Photo: Madeleine Michal
Header portrait photo: Katie DelaVaughn.

“People who find me are drawn to incorporate the physical and energetic body into their human experience. They understand that their inner workings are a piece of collective change, one that is loudly rumbling through a global paradigm shift. These are humans who have an appreciation of the power of ritual, are drawn to a bit of magick, and have been in search of someone who embodies all of this with solid understanding of the intricacies of emotional processing. I’m here for anyone that comes forth to stand on steady ground AND feel the movement while the ground beneath us shifts in all that this life presents us.”


“Love radiates from Michal’s eyes, touch, and body language. Her facilitation guided me to surrender to suggestions that arose from within, resulting in a magical connection of understanding my soul’s voice.”

–  m.r.

“I’ve never experienced a temple space like this - thank you for holding these healing moments. It was everything from raw to soft and in between. All bodies merging into a space of co existence. A prayer for our world.”