Full moon weavings

Tonight’s full moon weaves in the connection between personal healing and healing of community, the collective. It reminds us of interdependence, freedom within, and for all. 

This is a time to be reminded that our deep personal inner exploration, learning, and healing, actively ripple and merge with the collective.

Infusing our path with healing, is within our personal responsibility and includes personal accountability for community and the collective too. This means that as we find healing, our community and collective finds healing. We may hold others in healing and we may be held in healing. As we shift and move and show up differently in the world, the opportunity to bring forth our authentic self begins to open. 

Within the process of personal healing and liberation, the ability to truly look with awareness at how and what we bring forth unfolds, opening yet another new responsibility to community: We see how, from this new place, we may affect others in beauty and pleasure and at times even discomfort or pain and

until we embrace the fullness of this awareness, we will all continue to move within the same spiral we are in. Liberation for all will remain at a distance.

Our community and collective accountability is not a responsibility for the inner workings of others, or adjusting our truth (unless this “truth” comes from an obscure or clear place of oppression of another) for the inner workings of another. But rather, that we are to expand our awareness beyond the self by expressing authentically, listening, finding what new roles we may hold through this gift of authenticity, and meeting others from a place of clarity & transparency born of care and heart. 

When we understand this, we understand that we cannot live in separation of the world around us. There is no me, me and you, there is we

Tonight as the moon rises or these next days as she shines bright, I invite you to find a moment to stand in your personal vulnerability. Feel into these questions below, find the flickers of power that can be born in this vulnerability. Invite the assistance of fire to bring this to life and spiral them out far and wide to meet all through water and/or air. Remind your body that it is allowed to dance as the flames dance and ripple as the water or air flows. Physically using these elements in ritual or envisioning this through visualization. 

Be specific when answering these questions. Start from within, move to specific people that you are connected to, expand to close community circles, then to the collective. 

•In this present moment, what do I personally need/desire in order to be in my fullness, my full essence? What is the potential personal healing through honoring these needs/desires? How may fulfilling these needs/desires meet another within my close community? What will it infuse the collective with? 

•As I feel into past choices I have made to get closer to a personal sense of liberation, how have these choices affected the freedom of others? Has it been received as limiting or expanding? What gratitude and forgiveness to myself/others do I feel for these choices? 

•Am I able to be in my full essence without ignoring or overshadowing the essence of another? Am I able to be in presence of another’s full essence without cowering my own? What am I feeling or believing about myself that leads to either of these behaviors?

•I allow myself to dream of collective transformation and healing. I visualize myself as an inseparable part of this in this way ………(explain how)

Much Love to you,

Madeleine Michal

Michal Rebibo