Portrait by Katie DelaVaughn.

Portrait by Katie DelaVaughn.

Energy Channeling

We all have the capability to connect and channel energetically. It is just a matter of arriving to the moment where we are open and attune to it.

In a session centered on channeling energetic current, we connect through intuition, heart, the atmosphere around us, and deep grounding through the core of the earth. My physical and energetic body act as a conduit, placing hands gently, either on or above your body, allowing healing life force energy to flow with the use of intention, visualization, and movement that intuitively moves through me. A session will embrace your nervous system with deep rest as a sensation of glowing radiance flows through and around you.

I began feeling energetic flow within myself and in connection to nature and humans years ago. I became grounded in practice later, through sacred patterns specific to the reiki system. Reiki is one of the several systems that has been developed to facilitate healing flow based upon the idea that unseen life force energy flows in and around us. It is a holistic Japanese approach that includes body, emotions, mind, and spirit. I now attune to the flow of energetic currents and connection to patterns throughout the body, as they intuitively arise within me and mainly connect in this way.


Energy channeling works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques. It promotes stress reduction, relaxation, and holistic health and healing. Healing touch and Reiki are used in major hospitals internationally by nurses and volunteers. I deeply honor the lineage of Reiki, give thanks, and am aware of the privilege to have been initiated into practicing this healing modality that opened me to attuning and understanding the flow of energy that moves through me more.